Despite the Outbreak of the Corona Virus. Sunday and weekly liturgies, the Holy Mass will still be celebrated at St. Edward's Catholic Church. We have already taken precautionary measures so that sickness does not spread among our congregation during our Church services. Follow this link for more info.
Monday, Dec. 9th; Mass Times for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception: 7:00 AM (english), 8:45 AM (english), 12:10 PM (bilingual), 5:30 PM (english), 7:00 PM (spanish)
Join us Saturday, November 2nd, for fun and fellowship! Dinner served from 4-7 pm. Thanksgiving style dinner, beer and wine, silent auction, raffle, indoor kids carnival. $8/ adult, $5/ kids under 12 or $25/ family (2 adults and 4 kids under age of 18).
MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! WHEN: JUNE 10-14 WHAT TIME: 9AM TO 12PM Where: ST EDWARD PARISH HALL COST: $15/CHILD OR $30/FAMILY WHO: CHILDREN KINDERGARTEN TO 5TH GRADE. Registration forms are at each of the entrances to the church. Please turn them in at the parish office.
Horario de las misas para el día de obligación de todo de los Santos. --- Oct. 31 @5:30 pm (English) --- Oct. 31 @7:00 pm (español) --- Nov. 1 @ 7:00 am (english) --- Nov. 1 @ 8:45 am (english) --- Nov. 1 @ 12:10 pm (bilingual) --- Nov. 1 @ 6:00 pm (bilingual)
P. Lustig nos enfocamos en la promesa de una santidad que dura para siempre en la Iglesia, porque nuestra Iglesia fue fundado por Cristo la fuente de santidad. Especialmente, el padre Lustig enfoca en los nuevos escándalos sexuales que sucedió el mes pasado.
Fr. Lustig draws our attention to the Holiness of the Church and the assurance of Her continued holiness, even in the face of sin and death. This is particularly in relationship to the resent sexual abuse scandals this past month.
Fr. Lustig focuses our attention on what our Lord means when He speaks of death and life in the Bread of Life Discourse. He also reminds us of some "old fashioned" language, "mortal sin".
Mass Schedule for this Holy Day of Obligation -- Horario de Misas para El Día Santo de Obligación -- Tues-Martes 5:30 pm; 7:00 pm; Wed-Miercoles 7:00 am; 12:10 pm; 6:00 pm